Monthly Updates - September 2020

🙌  Enhancements

  • New Quick Links

    Near the bottom of the page on the BuyerBridge Account Dashboard is a “Quick Links” section, which provides easy access for managing important parts of your account. There are quick links for your Ad Account, Pixels, Ad Catalogs, Account Page, and Marketplace Catalogs, but this month we added some new enhancements to make it an even more valuable part of your Account Dashboard! Learn about the enhanced “Quick Links” section here: Increasing the Quality of our Dashboard’s “Quick Links”

  • Update to Ad Previews Tool

    The BuyerBridge Ad Previews Tool was developed to make the process of sending ad previews to your dealer clients and getting them approved easier than ever. (Read all about the Previews Tool here .) Since launching the tool, we have made the following enhancements:

    • Status Filter: On the Ad Previews Page, we added an ad Status filter for you to easily see the current ad Status and quickly choose which type of ads you want to preview: Active, Paused, Disapproved, Archived. You can filter the type of ads you want to preview, and then solely share those with your clients

      • For example, you can filter the ad preview page to show Disapproved ads, clean them up, and share with your clients the URL that’s specific for ‘Disapproved’ ads. Or, you can look at ads that are Paused, see if they’ve been approved by Facebook, and then share them with your clients for their approval.
    • Specific Preview URL: After choosing the type of ad status you wish to share, the shareable URL will now sync with the specific ad preview Status selected. This update enables you to share ad previews of a specific ad status type with your clients, saving the time of your agency and clients both!

  • Update to Onboarding

    We’re constantly updating our Onboarding system based on your feedback, and because we know how critical this first step is!

    • Onboarding now only displays the required catalog in the Asset Setup Step (e.g. all current playbooks will only require vehicles but plays that need product will require it).
    • We made a change so that the user who created the onboarding will be added to (most) the new onboarding status user interface. 
    • We adjusted the Ad Account Dependencies Step so that it now only displays the required Terms of Service approvals, rather than requiring the approval of Terms of Services, irrelevant to your account. (e.g. Pro won't require custom audience TOS
    • We added more support to allow a wider variety of feed providers (remote data sources) in the new onboarding system!
  • Update to Budgeting Tool

    Our Budgeting Tool offers you an easy way to establish your Monthly Budget Goal, and optimize your budget. We just launched a quick update to our Budgeting Tool that makes budgeting for your dealer clients more effective. The new features added to this tool include icons that directly link to your accounts Business Manager Settings and Payment Settings page, and the ability to change your Monthly Budget Goal; all within the BuyerBridge Facebook Budgeting Report. Discover more about our most recent update to the Budgeting Tool here: New Budgeting Tool Features 
  • Miscellaneous

    • We added the ability for users to export website inventory! This way, if you need dealers to review their inventory you can easily send attachments.
    • We are constantly updating the widgets that are currently tracked and at what interval we trigger the lead event to Facebook. You can review them here: Tracked Web Lead Widgets

📌  Big Updates

  • Update: Onboarding System

During development, we made the decision to allow onboardings to be shared and done collaboratively, but this created a bit of a bootstrapped situation with how we were initializing them.

As a result of this, we made a pretty major update to the onboarding system which changes the way that onboardings are created & initialized.

This change won't be visible to the user outside of the URL changing but brings in a ton more stability to the system in terms of starting/exiting/canceling onboardings. If you have any issues starting/exiting/canceling onboarding's just let us know! 

REMINDER: Upon the full release of Onboarding 2.0, the former version of the Onboarding system will be removed from the platform as of 9/30/20.

🔧 Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Our team made a fix to the Chatbot that allows dealer agents to take over conversations. This way, dealer agents can handle speaking engagements and control conversations taking place.
  • Print layout improvements: 
    • We tweaked the print filename from Facebook ads reports to now show as `Facebook Ads Report - {AccountName} - {DateStart} to {DateEnd} - {Agency}
    • We improved the print layout of the Facebook ads report based on whether offline events were active or not.
    • We fixed page breaks so that they dynamically adjust based on the presence of the offline events section!
  • Users were having trouble with images and downloading them, so we made improvements to the vehicle page to introduce a custom image slider that shows the image count, along with buttons to open the image and copy its URL to your clipboard. 
Have a bug you need to report?