MSN Autos Marketplace Q & A

How long do Marketplace listings take to start showing up in MSN Auto Marketplace?

Listings take 1 business day to begin to start surfacing to MSN Auto Marketplace.

How long does it take for existing listings to be updated in MSN Auto Marketplace?

Listings take 1 business day to update on MSN Auto Marketplace.

Are there any locked fields that can not be updated in MSN Auto Marketplace?

All fields are available to be updated if the information comes through in the Catalog feed.

How long does it take for listings to be removed from MSN Auto Marketplace?

Removal of listings will occur when Microsoft runs its data processing, currently, it runs every 24 hours.

Where are these vehicles coming from?

These vehicles are being sent by the feed provider or being scraped with the web scraping tool and distributed to both Facebook and MSN depending on if the product has been added.

How can I check if my current dealer is using Bing Marketplace?

When MSN Autos Marketplace is fully released in the BuyerBridge platform, you will be able to view the products each dealer is running on the Dealer Dashboard.